Smartesse's Blog

IMAGE RESOLUTION – pixels, ppi, dpi [no. 362]
May 22, 2009, 2:02 pm
Filed under: ADdict | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Image resolution is measured in pixels x pixels = the number of  pixels (elementary particle of unique color /information) the image has; he quantity of information the camera has captured.

PPI = digital image resolution, and is measured in pixels / inch, it’s the resolution of the electronic version of the image. It reflects the level of detail the image posesses – the more pixels exist in a square inch of the image the more detailed the image is. So ppi is a relation dependent on 2 things : the total number of pixels the image has, and their spatial density.

DPI = printed image resolution, and is measured in dots / inch; how many dots does the printer use on an inch of paper. Dots are not equivalent with pixels, and generally the printer uses more than one dot to represent one pixel.

dpi/ppi – confusion SOLVED

and a very useful Wikipedia link on: Image Resolution

D[raw] P[aint] I ——- TUTORIAL