Smartesse's Blog

de moi.
May 25, 2009, 11:13 am
Filed under: servit sec | Tags: , , , ,

the game

art director.

otherwise human.

lifetime engaged.

You may call me Hack Girl
February 22, 2011, 7:30 pm
Filed under: the diary of a smart ass

Some of you  may know me as Hit Girl and to this opportunity I must thank all of my fans out there, who have had the chance to witness and therefore praised my so many hits of pure wit and beauty!

To all of you bewitched disciples of  the One who’s hits have so many times enchanted,  thrilled, illuminated your dull existence I must now say good bye!

Times of guns – flower barreled – leather array and wild sex have reached their apocalyptic end!

Weep not,  loyal admirers! Do not mourn, do not despair!

A new being and yet more complex in its perfection is about to take over!

A new creature has risen in all heavenly light and glory on Friday, the 18th of February only to perform a first act of terrible tempestuousness against RDS, the all mighty God of the Internet Providers in the little  – known – country called Romania, the last known breeder of the Universal pursuit of lush freedom and eternal, afterlife truth-bound justice.

On the night of the 18th of February, glorious and misty, a yet to be known and praised sybarytic minion high-ended fierce-full hack attacks against the powerful server of the dominating Informational Force of this little, but never bent country. Yet perfectly slick and sophisticated, by a queer act of Divine Randomness, the attack’s IP origin has been detected! Praise the Lord howled The Lord Provider, The missdemeanorer has been traced! Throw the Minion into the Blackhole! Cutoff all her connections to the world!

Thrown in the cold dungeon of  Lack of Information, left there to rot for two eternal lasting days, untouched by any pixel-carrying ray of light, the Minion has sworn revenge!

Hack Girl has been born on that humid floor of the atrocious pound! New hacking garments has she sowed for her oppressor’s future enrapture. And when the third day’s light has shone upon the open little window of the dungeon’s door she was ready! Awed in front of the stupendous Lord of the Inquiformatio,  swore that while possessed by the Evil Virus only could she have performed such inhuman acts of betrayal against the Sys, or the Bro.

Ineluctably relished by the Minion’s enchantment, the Lord Inquiformator has molted.

A(t)las(t)! She was released! Only for never to be seen again! Apocalyptic mistake!

Do you smell that funny feeling? Someone is on your trace ! Coming to hack you!

When the truth is
April 20, 2010, 1:30 pm
Filed under: Message in a Bottle | Tags: , , ,

Forgotten Fish Memory Orchestra – Cherry blossom mood
April 8, 2010, 9:29 am
Filed under: delicatessen | Tags: , ,

well hang on :d Little tomato – for all the insomniacs of this world
April 2, 2010, 11:50 am
Filed under: CLASSYque | Tags: , ,

still. A chance
March 25, 2010, 2:12 pm
Filed under: CLASSYque, Message in a Bottle | Tags: , , ,

Let it be

Orhan Pamuk – Ma numesc Roşu (Benim Adim Kirmizi – My Name is Red) – 2

“În vreme ce regele frânc admiră, în curtea palatului său, picturile sosite de la Veneţia, întrebându-se ce să facă, dacă să o ia sau nu pe fată în căsătorie, armăsarul său se îndrăgosteşte pe neaşteptate şi încearcă să se suie pe iapa cea frumoasă, aşa încât rândaşii stăpânesc cu mare greutate animalul în călduri, care, cu mădularul lui uriaş, rupe pictura bucăţi cu bucăţi”  – p. 305

“[…] mă rugam lui Dumnezeu Preaînaltul să ne dăruiască, în Rai, un suflet fără trup, iar în lume un trup fără suflet” – p. 327

Ed. a III-a

Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2009

Titlu original: Benim Adım Kırmızı
Traducere: Luminiţa Munteanu

Want her, have her
March 13, 2010, 11:36 pm
Filed under: Message in a Bottle | Tags: , , , ,

“I hope you understand
And your love
Is standing next to me”

The last shallow Puppets 😀

Orhan Pamuk – Ma numesc Roşu (Benim Adim Kirmizi – My Name is Red)

“Dacă de-a lungul acestor doisprezece ani, aş fi avut în minte o imagine leită cu chipul tău fără asemănare, poate n-aş mai fi suferit atât” – p. 207

“[…] am început să-i povestesc cum nu mi-o puteam scoate din minte în răstimpul călătoriilor şi cum revenea la mine, de-a lungul nopţilor, asemenea unei stafii, năluca ei. Acestea erau cele mai tainice, cele mai adânci suferinţe ale mele, pe care socoteam că nu voi izbuti niciodată să le povestesc cuiva; erau întru totul adevărate, dar, aşa cum mi-am dat seama cu uimire în clipa aceea, nu erau deloc sincere.

Pentru ca simţămintele şi dorinţele încercate în acel moment să-mi fie bine înţelese trebuie să dezvălui acum sensul acestei deosebiri, de care mi-am dat seama pentru prima dată în viaţă, al faptului că uneori ideea de a face adevărul să vorbească, aşa cum este el, te poartă spre nesinceritate” – p. 214

Ed. a III-a

Editura Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2009

Titlu original: Benim Adım Kırmızı
Traducere: Luminiţa Munteanu

I’m absolutely fine
February 9, 2010, 5:24 pm
Filed under: Message in a Bottle | Tags: , , ,

ain’t got no love … i’ve got life
January 21, 2010, 10:10 am
Filed under: Message in a Bottle | Tags: , , ,